Christopher Geissler

Phonetics, Phonology, Teaching

Project maintained by cageissler Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham
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Materials from talks

Wikipedia editing

Starting out editing Wikipedia as a linguist

How to read

More specifically, how to read the “lab report” style of scientific writing that is popular in linguistics.

This lesson was inspired by this blog post about reading books by Tim Burke, a professor of history at Swarthmore College. I recommend that for advice on reading books in social sciences and humanities.

E-learning Review Units in Phonetics and Phonology

Funded by an E-Learning Foerderfonds grant from HHU, Lara Rueter and Julika Weber developed a series of self-paced review units under the supervision of Kevin Tang and myself. Check them out on our OSF page or

Teaching with AI

From “Teaching with AI” workshop presented in Anglistik III at HHU, 15 March 2023


A quick intro to VocalTractLab presented at the SLaM Lab, 06 March 2023